Universal Replacement Deckchair Sling Kit with Brass Tacks in Multi Stripe WC95 Woven Cotton

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To repair or refresh an existing deckchair we can supply a 1.5 metre cut length of deckchair fabric complete with 16 shiny brassed tacks. These come in a 43cm width which will fit most deckchairs, but we advise you to measure before you order! We can make a replacement sling for any type of deckchair but prefer to see the old sling first to check the measurements and style. Our beautiful Woven Cotton is produced by craftsmen using pre-war looms with first quality pure cotton thread, resulting in luxurious style and a superb tactile quality. Please be aware that woven cotton will fade over time, more so in bright sunlight.
Fabric TypeWoven Cotton
Universal Replacement Deckchair Sling Kit with Brass Tacks in Multi Stripe WC95 Woven Cotton
Southsea Deckchairs, made in our seaside workshop since 1991

By the Sea

Since 1991

Our deckchairs are the same chairs you see on promenades and beaches all around the UK.  Manufactured to withstand the elements and heavy use, they look great in a garden or on a terrace. 

  • The Best Selection

    Available in traditional deckchair stripes, multi-stripes and a kaleidoscope of vibrant colours and modern patterns.

  • British Craftsmanship

    We are committed to maintaining excellent build quality and caring for the environment. Reassuringly solid, all of our materials are sustainably sourced.


A heavy-duty moulding of 22mm x 47mm is used for the framework; this provides great strength and a noticeably more solid feel than some spindly domestic deckchairs. Mortise and tenon joints are now used instead of dowel joints, giving even greater strength and rigidity.


We use the durable hardwood Merpauh for our frames, treated with teak oil. This provides excellent protection against the elements and withstands wear. As well as extending the deckchair’s working life, the fine finish enhances its natural appearance. Greater durability means a longer life-cycle and less frequent replacement.


Southsea Dechairs products are all made from timber sourced from sustainable forests and each invoice will have our PEFC or FSC® certification details. Our chairs are built for easy part replacement including fabric change. It makes no sense to throw away a chair if one part can be replaced.